FAQ: What is the procedure for accurately measuring the value of a resistor using the E3600 series?

1) Use the E3600A in Constant Current mode.

2) Sense Locally.

3) Replace the 34411A with a small, known, precision resistor (R).

4) Measure the drop across the “R” and the 1210Ω resistor with the same 34401A (thereby eliminating any measurement error).

5) “True” value of the 1210Ω will be the 34401A voltage (across the 1210Ω, adjust for 34401A input r) divided by the 34401A voltage across the “R”, divided by “R”.

Applies to: E3620A, E3630A, E3631A, E3632A, E3633A, E3634A, E3640A, E3641A, E3642A, E3643A, E3644A, E3645A, E3646A, E3647A, E3648A, E3649A

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